Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is breast disease that originates in the ducts of the breast. Ductal cells overgrow and create disease that does not extend out of the duct walls.


DCIS used to be assumed to lead to classic breast cancer in every case. Now, we understand that most cases of DCIS do NOT progress to breast cancer. But for now, we cannot predict which women with DCIS will develop breast cancer and which will not. Unless a woman with DCIS is in a clinical trial, the standard treatment for DCIS is surgery. She may have lumpectomy and radiation, or she may have a mastectomy. The choice depends upon what her breast surgeon thinks would be best, and what the patient prefers.


DCIS is tested for estrogen receptors. If they are present, a woman is offered endocrine therapy following surgery.

A diagram of a breast with ductal carcinoma in situ
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